Connect with Your Loved Ones | Souls to Earth

I am blessed by having a gift that allows me to see and feel the spirit world. My “knowing” allows me to get messages for the living from their loved ones who have transitioned to heaven.

Hello and thank you for coming to my website. First off, I have to say I love what I do. I've enjoyed the help I've given to everyone who I have read over many years. It always brings me great happiness to see people connect with those who have transitioned to the other side. When people get the messages they need it creates a level of healing in the person. Clients seem to get exactly what they need in a reading. The main feeling I bring with me when I am helping a person get what they need is “where there is darkness I bring light.”

I am honored to be on this journey to help all those who seek my aid.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Medium Armand Egidi

Medium Armand Egidi on Bridge