About Me

I have been blessed from a very early age by having a gift that allows me to see and feel the spirit world. Through communication with my spirit guides, I am able to sense the energy and validate through talking about names/objects/situations/feelings known only to the living and the ones who have passed.

My Abilities

Psychic Medium: I am able to see, hear and communicate spirits on every level. What I can see and sense varies from spirit to spirit. I see and explain what I see and what I am given by the spirit.

Claircognizance: Clear knowing is the ability to just know the information being given – it is a knowing that comes from the spirit world to the reader.

Clairaudient: I get a feeling/vision or see letters/words of what the spirit describes to me. The message from the spirit(s) can often sound obscure to me, but makes perfect sense to the recipient.

Clairsentient: I am able to communicate the feelings of the departed. While communicating with the souls from the other side, I am able to feel the emotions of the spirit(s).

Clairvoyance: Communication with the departed is done via visions, usually done in a trance. Description(s) of the vision is given to the recipient as an affirmation of communication to the client.

Channeler: Having the spirit communicate with the loved one with the use of my voice.

My History

Where it began and how the "knowing" developed:

My Mom first noticed my abilities when I was three years old. While pregnant with my brother, my mom was resting in her room while I was playing with toy cars on the floor at the foot of her bed. She recounted to me that she thought “I wish he would stop playing with those cars and go to his bedroom and play.” She told me I stood up and told her “that wasn’t nice”. After I repeated to her what she had said word for word, I picked up my cars and left the room.

For years after that, I could feel that I knew what people were thinking. I always called it “a knowing.” For years after that, I could feel that I knew what people were thinking and who was around them in spirit. People would ask how do you do it. Back then my response was “a knowing." It was hard for me then to describe it in any other way. To me, I just "knew."

As a teen into my early adulthood, I detoured away from using and developing my gift. But it came back to me after becoming clean and sober 25 years ago. Once I got clean, I could feel a momentum of "knowing" starting to build again. Yet, there was something different this time. My "knowing" was stronger and increased in accuracy. So many people around me found the information very helpful and healing. The accelerator of "knowing" and people coming to me left me speechless.

Over time, I have discovered the multiple layers of my abilities and how to use them better to help people who seek my help. Throughout the last 25 years, I have seen what I can only describe as emotional healing happen with the people I read and help with the information I get to give them from the other side. Sometimes the information is what I tell them I'm getting from their loved one and, at times, it is their loved one directly giving them the information. In addition, I get information the person's guides/guardian angels are giving them. Information seems to also just come as a collective from those on the other side who help the client throughout his or her life.

I am very very grateful, honored and blessed to have the abilities I have. My main goal is to bring light and understanding where there is darkness and uncertainty. To say I love what I do is an understatement.

I am thankful to say I am now asked by clients to travel internationally and domestically to do readings on a regular basis. Most of the time, clients travel to my office in New Jersey for readings.