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A few friends of mine asked if I would be interested in joining them at a spiritual reading with Armand. Although I was a little nervous, I didn’t hesitate to say yes. I was always curious if it was possible for anyone to channel the souls of my deceased loved ones. When I met Armand, he was very comforting. It was like I have known him my whole life. He was very soft-spoken and very easy to talk to.  Armand  confirmed so many things that were true to my dad’s passing–things that no one else could possibly know. I left there truly amazed and comforted!!  If anyone ever gets the opportunity to meet Armand, don’t pass it up!!!!! ~ C. DiGregorio

Instantly, Armand and I clicked, but I think everyone he meets feels the same way.  He has an amazing  ability to make you feel comfortable the second you are in his presence. His kind caring demeanor makes you want to drink in every word he says.  His ability to connect with the other side is truly an amazing gift. I have had the privilege to sit in on many of his group sessions, watching him help person after person after person, not to mention all the times he has helped me connect with my parents and work through my grief. Armand is truly a gift sent straight from God, put here on this earth to help people and, from what I have seen, he is doing a great job of it.  There are not enough words in the English language to describe Armand.  If you ever have the pleasure of meeting him, you will understand. Not only do I consider him a really wonderful person, I consider him a great friend. ~ Sincerely, Catherine Dugan

When I met Armand at a group event a few months ago, I was instantly impressed at how comfortable he makes everyone feel. What impressed me the most was the way he can connect with our loved ones in spirit.  Most of us who suffer the loss of someone we loved in the physical world would agree that there are so many unanswered questions that play out over and over in our mind. Sometimes we are left wondering if our loves ones are alright, did they suffer, are they in a better place, can they hear us, can they communicate with us?  There are so many unanswered questions. When I met Armand for the first time, I felt totally comfortable. He is a good and kind man who has so much compassion for those of us who ask these questions over and over to ourselves!  He can help us find those answers to our questions and he has for so many.  The confirmation that he brings to us from our loves ones is just incredible and brings peace and closure if that is what someone needs.

I, along with others, had the most incredible experience one night in my home when Arman confirmed our thoughts on what we have been experiencing.  He brought through a message from my loved one that absolutely no one could possibly have known except for me and my fiance, who is in spirit. Armand said that he was showing him something religious that I pray to, and it was in my dresser wrapped in a food storage bag. Well, I think everyone could have fallen off their chairs when I went into my room and took from my dresser a 100-or-more-year-old Bible that belonged to my fiance before he died. I had it wrapped in a Ziploc food storage bag so it would NOT fall apart!  That validation was proof that my fiance was communicating with us.  Armand has gift, and his gift is something that can bring peace into your life if you are suffering with the physical loss of a loved one. I know that I can never thank him enough! ~ Susan Slamka

I am a born skeptic. That being said, I was introduced to Armand through a friend and the first thing he said to me…Well, I almost fell off my chair! I have always believed that there are people who truly have a gift, but most are suited to parties and lack any real talent. I was lucky…no…destined to meet Armand. He told me things that only my parents would have known that exist in my house now and are not common to every household. As an only child, certain things exist only in my memory. He did not “pull” any info nor “lead” me in any direction whatsoever, which are common tactics with non-gifted “psychics.” Armand, you gave me a precious gift. I am forever indebted to you. I would recommend you to everybody. Listen up, all you skeptics. Armand is the real deal ! I would love to meet with you again.  What a comfort you have been to me. ~ Sincerely, Katharine M.

Armand is an absolutely amazing person. He has helped me so much to deal with the loss of my beloved husband. ~ Maureen L.

I met Armand after the passing of my best friend in a very sudden and tragic way four and a half years ago. When speaking with clairvoyants, I am always hesitant to give too much information away. The things that Armand was able to pick up from my friend was incredible…details of events, her looks, mannerisms, and the deep connection we shared. Having multiple sessions has brought me a great deal of peace, comfort, and a sense of closure that I have struggled with since her passing. With the insight of my friend and the amazing gift that Armand has been blessed with, he is also able read things in my past, present, and future. In addition to my friend, others have also come through to give messages to me and others in my life. One in particular was an Aunt who passed before I was born; he was able to recite the entire account of the accident with uncanny details. He truly posses an incredible gift, not only as a clairvoyant, but also as a healer. ~ Jackie H.

I first met Armand about five months after I lost my Dad.  I felt the need to know my Dad was at peace.  My faith in God has never wavered and in my heart I knew my Dad was with the Lord. That was never a question.  I missed him so desperately and wanted to somehow hear from my father himself that he was okay.  When I made the appointment with Armand, I told him nothing other than my first name.  I was initially nervous about our meeting, but that quickly changed the moment I met him.  When I entered his office, I felt very safe with this man I had never met before. There was something about him that made me feel very much at ease and I felt a connection to him.  My session was beyond what I had even dared to imagine. I was blessed to have a number of loved ones come through in my session.  Toward the end of the session, my Dad came through.  The emotion that came from my Dad through Armand validated that my Dad was still with me.  Armand was able to convey things from my Dad that he had no way of knowing. I felt such comfort being able to communicate with my beloved Dad and know that when we lose someone we love in this physical life, the love we share NEVER dies. It goes on and on until we meet again.  I have had the pleasure of seeing Armand throughout this last year and he has continued to help me deal with my grief and other obstacles in my life.  He is a genuinely kind human being and I know our meeting was no coincidence. It was God’s work and I am eternally grateful. ~ Patty L.

Armand was a rare find.  I needed help connecting with my father who recently passed.  It was important for me to get validation that he had made it to heaven.  Soon after sitting with Armand, he was able to bring up several things that only my father and I would have known.  When he was able to tell me these things, I knew right then and there that Armand had connected with my father.  It was truly a blessing to have had reached my father. ~ Chris H.

My life has taken a new path since the first day I met with Armand.  I first met with him a few months after my father’s sudden and tragic death.  I was not expecting Armand to be able to change my life as much as he has. I was completely in awe after meeting with him, because he was able to so easily understand me and what was going on in my life, unlike anyone I had ever met with.  My problem with previous therapists was that I could not explain the emotions I was feeling and the problems going on in my life. But he was able to understand all my emotions without me having to do much explaining. More importantly, he gave me a way to communicate with my father, something I never thought was possible.  He told me things about my father that only someone who knew him very personally could know.  Armand was able to describe extremely specific experiences that my father and I had dealt with. He led me to understand my father’s death, to come to peace with it. If you have auspiciously been led to Armand, it is for a reason. I feel that I have been extremely blessed to have met such an astounding person. He possesses an amazing gift that will help you change your life in ways you never thought were possible. ~ Erin D.

A friend suggested I contact Armand after the death of my husband. At first, I was apprehensive and nervous. But when I met Armand, I felt completely at ease. My grief at losing my husband was so profound that I felt totally lost and abandoned. Armand understood how I was feeling and helped me work through it. He knew things about my husband that he could not possibly have known. During my reading, not only did my husband come through, but also my parents and other family members to help me deal with my loss. The emotions that came from my husband through Armand were so comforting and this validated for me that my husband is still with me and watching over me. As a result of my reading, I continued to see Armand for grief counseling, as he is also a trained therapist. His gift is so amazing that on three occasions when I was feeling upset and depressed, he called me. The first time he was shopping in a mall and had this feeling to call me. The second time I was home and very depressed and when he called, he asked, “What’s going on with you?”, I replied “Nothing.” Armand then said, “He loves you very much.” It was my wedding anniversary. The third time I was driving home from a very stressful trip and was worried about driving in the dark and my cell phone rang and Armand asked what I was doing and then said, “I’m being told to tell you that you worry too much.” My husband knew I was upset and used Armand to send me comfort. In subsequent readings, I was blessed to have many family members and friends come through with their love and support. Meeting Armand has enriched my life and has helped me realize that our loved ones are still with us and watching over us. ~ MML

I lost my husband three years ago.  I am heartbroken because I also lost my mother and uncle all in four years.  Armand reached them and told me things that only I would know about.  My friends and I had the best readings.  I was shocked.  I can’t wait until I see him again.  Thanks Armand.  You made my life a little more tolerable.  Lord knows I needed something. ~ Lorraine U.

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